Lucy Lou

Lucy Lou

Lucy Lou

Lucy Lou

Lucy Lou

Lucy Lou

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Lucy Lou is relentlessly optimistic and will do anything to make others happy. She is also inexperienced in life which leaves her suceptible to abuse from Tiffany.

Lucy Lou met Tiffany online and even went to California to visit her. On that trip problems involving alcohol, Billy-Ray and Tiffany, and insensitivity arose. Billy-Ray and Lucy Lou broke up and she went home dejected. She still calls Tiffany by her hyphenated name, Tiffany-Amber. The -Amber was dropped a while ago but Lucy Lou forgets. Somehow it seems funny every time that Lucy Lou says, “Tiffany-Amber.”

In spite of her optimism, she is still filled with vacivity at the loss of her boyfriend, Billy-Ray.

During the Show

During the Show

During the Show

During the Show

During the Show

During the Show

Lucy Lou tried to do anything to please Tiffany-Amber but was always put down by Tiffany-Amber for doing so. When Tiffany-Amber gave her advice about what to wear and how to use makeup, Lucy Lou always tried. However, Tiffany-Amber was always displeased. Doesn’t hearing “Tiffany-Amber” repeated like that sound funny? If not, check out the show and hear it the way Lucy Lou said it.

On Valentine’s Day, Lucy Lou received a gift and card from Billy-Ray. He apologized for what happened in California and said that he wanted to be her boyfriend again. She just lit up with excitement in the video.

That happiness was short-lived as Tiffany-Amber pretened to get a call from Billy-Ray to make Lucy Lou sad and confused. This was especially true when she saw Tiffany-Amber making “kissy faces” to him over the phone. On the last day of the show, Tiffany-Amber revealed that she had made the whole thing up and that is was “just a joke.” It is certain that Lucy Lou received the news with happiness and a sense of relief.

Lucy Lou
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(About lip gloss) Are all lip glosses this sticky, though? This one feels like I got vaseline on my face or something.
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