Basic Information
Basic Information
Basic Information
Basic Information
Basic Information
Basic Information
- Day: Tuesday
- Age: 23
- Location: London, England
- Appearance: Eye Makeup, Dark Clothes, Short, Black Hair
- Personality: Loner, Intelligent, Attitude
- Relation: Britini’s identical twin sister
- Occupation: Works at Book Shop
- YouTube Channel: ashleylikesstuff
- Likes: Reading, Books, Vampires
- Dislikes: People (in general)
Ashley was born with a twin sister, Britini. Her parents were too poor to care for both so they gave Ashley up for adoption. When she was four years-old her parents moved to England. She still lives there. Ashley only found out about her twin, Britini, a few years ago. Since then they have been communication via the internet and on YouTube
Ashley works in a book store and reads all day, “which is mint.” Sometimes she reluctantly has to help customers. When she gets home she continues to read.
She doesn’t care much for people. She likes her sister, Dan, and Lucy Lou. She just doesn’t seem to like people in general and would prefer to read instead of interacting with others.
During the Show
During the Show
During the Show
During the Show
During the Show
During the Show
Ashley seemed to feel ambivalent about making videos. She liked the other characters except Tiffany. She resented they way that Tiffany seemed to tell others what to do. She especially resented that Tiffany told her to speak English just because she couldn’t understand the British accent. Another irritant was the way that Tiffany kept making disparaging remarks to Lucy Lou.
Ashley was easily riled but was also quick to make ammends. She even tried to be nice to Tiffany when Britini asked her to.
Should I be concerned? Because I’m not!