Servals as Pets?

This is a hotly debated question. In some places it is legal to keep them as pets. What are the concerns of those on both sides of the issue?

Servals are wild animals. They are not domesticated. Therefore, they should not be confused with a common housecat. They have different needs and behaviors than a housecat.

On the other hand, many who keep them as pets recognized this and act accordingly. Typically a large outdoor enclosure is provided. Owners are aware that those that come in the house will be more destructive than a house cat. One pet serval advocate described a serval kitten as “like a kitten on speed” in terms of playfulness and destructiveness.

Those opposed to servals as pets argue that servals are too wild to be view as or kept as pets. Domesticating the housecat took thousands of years. It is unrealistic to think that one can take a wildcat and domesticate it within a few generations.

On the other hand, say those for servals as pets, with the servals’ habitat destruction and potential extinction servals may be kept alive as pets. If it took thousands of years to domesticat house cats then we had better get started with servals right away.

Both sides offer good arguements. They also both present extreme examples to promote their views. Naturally, the views stated here are intended to cover the spectrum of arguements. There are many that have views less extreme.

serval on leashWhile I am not endorsing nor discouraging servals as pets, to someone who is determined to own a serval (or any exotic pet for that matter) I would offer some advice. First, learn all you can about the special needs of these animals. Second, carefully consider whether caring for a serval for its entire life is within economic, emotional, and time limitations. Thirdly, do not rush into buying a serval. They are beautiful but hasty decisions always lead to some bad consequences. The websites that I have seen offering and advocating pet servals have emphasized these and other points. It is well worth the time to check these out. Any pet requires responsible ownership. Exotic pets require this more so. (Please note that the serval in the picture is not a pet serval. It is being used for demonstrative purposes.)